![bemalter Schrank bemalter Almer bemalter Bauernschrank bemalter Bauernkasten Bauernmöbel](https://www.posch-antiquitaeten.at/wp-content/uploads/18-bemalter-Almer.png)
painted cabinet around 1820
The type of painting on this cabinet confirms its date of origin. The fine painting style and the Biedermeier motifs are superbly preserved. The motifs in the medallions tell stories. A couple in festive costume is painted in the upper panel and a hunting scene can be seen in the lower panel. The work is lovingly crafted and rich in detail. If you want, you can also see a bit of humor in it. The frames around it were also designed with the same attention to detail. The color canon is relatively large, the colors are harmonious. The wooden knobs of the drawers have been decorated with a discreet laurel wreath. The painted field, which can be seen above the first and below the last drawer, gives the impression that it continues behind the drawers. This field shows a section of a village view and flowers. Flowers adorn the entire cabinet. A painted cabinet like this is very rare – and in this quality!