Franz von Zülow Haus gesehen von Gabriele Posch

Franz von Zülow conjures up

fairytale-like picture stories on the surface of furniture. His motifs are reminiscent of a vivid dream.
18. August 2024
ORF Posch Antiquitäten Antike Bauernmöbel Gabriele Posch

Performance on TV

nice that we are allowed to show ourselves ...
28. May 2024
bemalter Bauernschrank

A small, fine house

that is well worth a visit ...
23. February 2024
Laila Bachtiar

Christmas paintings from Gugging

Laila Bachtiar presents us with touching Christmas paintings.
22. December 2023

Viechtau – center of wooden goods production

At the end of the 18th century and well into the 19th century, Viechtau in the Salzkammergut produced wooden objects for the domestic and foreign markets.
20. November 2023
Posch Antiquitäten Antques

I would love to spend a summer on the alpine pasture

I have already got equipment for the work on the mountain pastures. Now I just have to manage to give myself the time.
29. July 2023
Vido Posch Antike Bauernmöbel

new video

We want to convey our business idea through the moving image....
20. April 2023


From the Middle Ages to the present day, the mortar has retained its shape. The crushing, grinding and pounding requires ...
27. March 2023

Christmas card

Kiki Kogelnik`s son Mono visited us in Birkfeld. I then went to see the exhibition about his mother in Bleiburg. There I discovered this Christmas card.
21. December 2022
Posch Antiquitäten

The Barn

Influenced by European settlers, buildings were created that fascinate me with their shapes and dimensions.
7. October 2022

new on Instagram

We are now starting with Instagram and would like to inspire you with our ideas.
11. August 2022
Heiligen Geist Taube

Make the incomprehensible comprehensible

Pentecost, a feast of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Dove as a symbol.
6. June 2022
Gabriel Prödl Sieger Österreich Zeitschriftenpreis

First prize for a report in the weekly newspaper “DIE ZEIT”

In case you don't already know, last summer a wonderful ...
15. April 2022
Gabriele Posch

Thank you, dear Ms. Nitsch, for drawing my attention

to the exhibiton by Hermann Nitsch in a gallery in Graz during your last visit in our shop.
18. February 2022

Report in Servus magazine

... you have to have a feel for what you are doing and what you prefer not to do," says our restorer Herbert. How right he is!
6. November 2021

Traditional stockpiling is the order of the day

The wickerwork as a transparent layer optimally fulfills the requirements for air drying ...
12. October 2021

My mum and my son Gabriel on the front page of DIE ZEIT

I am indescribably happy, I am infinitely touched and it hits me right in the heart ...
11. August 2021
Posch Antike Bauernmöbel

… a dairy farmer`s chair comes down from the alpine pasture into the valley

Only the second mowing is in progress and the dairyfarmer`s chair is already in the valley?
5. August 2021
Posch Antiquitäten

What would today`s votive pictures look like?

Votive pictures to hand over worries to the divine ....
18. May 2021
Posch Antiquitäen

A prelude to Holy Week

In case you`re wondering what the blurry white dots in the photo are: When I took the photo of the Pieta on the facade of our old storage house, it was snowing ...
27. March 2021

Anna Freud surrounded herself with austrian antique country furniture

A dear customer told me that Sigmund Freud`s daughter loved austrian antique painted farmhouse furniture and ...
25. January 2021
Posch Antiques

“Schlossseiten” magazine writes about Posch Antiques

An outside view of my job, my business, the access to my work.
20. December 2020


We were involved in the British-Austrian television series "Vienna Blood". Location: Vienna at turn of the century
3. November 2020

The Farm – a place of desire

Last weekend I visited the farm of the writer Thomas Bernhard in Ohlsdorf near to Gmunden ...
28. August 2020

A “Troadkasten” that is still used today for drying …

The "Troadkasten", a grain storage, a farmer`s treasury.
24. July 2020

Who did you think sat on that bridal chair?

A bridal chair as a symbol as a welcome place in the new home. Expressive and cheerful ...
26. May 2020

Easter bunnies and little Easter lambs

... have found the way from Kroning to Birkfeld and are taking a break in our garden ...
4. April 2020
austrian antique painted farmhouse chest

Ceramics – one of my passions

Grimacing jugs, social jugs, puzzle jugs, pair jugs, donut baking pan, fish and pig baking pans …. these are rare objects…
16. March 2020

Design as its purest

The successful product designer Jasper Morrison is inspired by everyday objects from Portugal, which are confusingly similar to Austrian objects ...
14. February 2020

Opening “seed box”

"remain seated or stand up" - worth thinking about
26. June 2019

design chairs at Posch Antiques

We do have original design chairs from the 20th centrury designed by Jacobsen, Saarinen, Eames, Bätzner, Panton, Magistretti, Rainer, Starck [....]
10. April 2019

Guided tours at Posch Antiquitäten

Newspaper articles made people asking us about guided tours through our showrooms, workshop and paint removal facilities. It`s wonderful feelling people`s enthusiasm [....]
6. September 2018

Here has any object character

Hidden, but in the middle of the main center there is a treasure trove. Witnesses of several centuries live [ ...]
18. February 2018

Fiere di Parma

It`s the first time that we take part in Europe`s biggest antique fair. There is an unbelievable density of [ .... ]
4. February 2018

Birkfeld counts 248 companies!

The development association of Birkfeld draws attention to the fact that [...]
12. December 2017

Styrian Female Entrepreneur of the Year 2017

Award gala at the Economic Chamber of Styria on 4 October 2017 [...]
19. October 2017

The making of our website

It was a delight to have Paula and her unbridled spontaneity bringing Indie and Naeli into the [...]
1. August 2017

The more digital our world the more analogue our dreams

Traditional craftsmanship is now valued and appreciated more than ever and not least as a counterpoint to our digital world of today. Small and medium sized producers are asserting themselves and [...]
21. July 2017

Living with antiques

... full of admiration, pleased with the fact that I have time and again helped extend a collection in my capacity as an antique dealer ...
4. July 2017