Der bemalte Eckschrank ist ungefähr 200 Jahre alt und ein seltenes Möbel. Antike Raritäten finden Sie bei Posch Antiquitäten . Antike Bauernmöbel in Birkfeld.

painted corner cupboard

The corner cupboard impresses with its proportions and its painting. The piece of furniture is around 200 years old and is divided into three parts. The upper section is opened by a transverse door, the middle section is a shelf, the opening of which is flanked by lovingly sawn-out side panels and the lower section has a door. Both doors are fitted with inner hinges and a profiled striking strip. The angled pilaster strips continue the geometric motifs. The wonderful colors in their visibility and invisibility should be emphasized. The blue accents in particular make it stand out. A fantastic piece of furniture!


side: 90 cm, hight: 190 cm
stock code: 2015-SC-03